Ah..this time of the year ... most of us have our holidays booked and just few weeks are setting us apart. We start making plans of what to do, what to visit, how to split the activities and the days so that we get the most out of everything. We make mental lists with what to pack , how much to spend, what electronics to take - endless question marks.
We get very positive and enthusiastic, we start counting the days. During summer most of us take "the big holiday", of 2 weeks, the lucky ones even 3.
I am very much a summer person. During my summer holidays I love to go to Greece, I cannot even consider any other destination that could offer me more pleasure and recharge me in a better way than 2 weeks in Greece do. I adore spending my days reading books, having endless talks, countless sea dips, great food, all with the sea waves crushing around me. I love the smell of sea, the look of it, the feel of it. I love to sit and watch it for hours and not get bored. This holiday for me is the one that I look most forward to. Call me lazy or comfortable, but on the beach and in the water is where I renew. I step in a world of freedom, I forget about my other life which involves work, home problems etc, and I absorb with every pore the magic of salty water and careless life. I might have been a mermaid in other life or maybe I was a fisherman living on waters all my life.

I have another small point to make, so that you don't think I'm a beach vegetable, which is not that far from the truth:).
During spring I take a week off to wonder the streets of Europe. This spring I have been in Provence and,boy!, was I amazed! Amazed by its little colorful streets, amazed by the the nice and very relaxed people, by its history, by its food. If you are considering Provence I totally recommend it - but in spring or autumn when its not so hot.
(source Pinterest)
What about you? How do you spend your summer holidays? Beach hanging or city roaming?
Happy new week friends!