
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Weekend activity - Healthy eating

I found this image the other day and for me it hit the spot, as I am an avid consumer of all things vegetarian and salads, and knowing more ways to make them it seems so logical and good. It actually made me do my grocery list in anticipation:). Of course I would take out the meat from these, because personally I feel very good with out it, but you can mix how you feel and be inspired.

And since it's Sunday and you have both some free time on your hands and might be thinking what good things to cook for lunch or a healthy snack, I am sharing below some favorites that I make on rotation and make me feel full, healthy and energetic.

Happy Cooking Sunday!!
Any own favorites to share back?

Friday, January 23, 2015

Life, lately

... has been very hectic with major big and small things that kept rolling on and on. 
But the summer has passed leaving me with a feeling of un-lived experiences, un-touched moments and un-felt emotions. Winter came and with it the holidays and celebrations, passed, and now it is quiet and peaceful again. As inside, so outside. 

I must confess I am happy about the stillness of the present moment that I am living right now. This year has been a carousel drive with very high hights and low lows, but I understood some time ago that each thing we go through is an amazing experience from the perspective of learning and understanding oneself. And so it is. Rewarding. Insightful.

I will be back with my posts, as, since summer I kept opening the blog from time to time and it made me feel so good just leafing through it, it's a place that really feels like home to me. So I am trying to make more time and dedicate it to this place, as I cherish very much the time I spend writing, checking, reading and posting a new articles. 

That being said, catch up with you soon!

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