
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Weekend reading - 31/05/2014

(source Pinterest)

Ah, weekend is finally here! Boy, this week was a long one!! Crowded days at work, ups and downs, all those itsy ingredients that get you exhausted by Friday. So here I am, looking forward to 1 day of peace and relaxation (today I am actually booked to a family meeting which I am trying to get out of my mind not to get mad about it). I plan on reading, catching up on magazines, eating lots of ice-cream, sleeping a lot. Basically just doing a lot of nothing. I might even put up a silent day for my husband, let's just see how critical I get (muahauah!!).

And back to reading, here are some links I found and really liked:  

  • Work smarter, not harder - super cool article, I loved every tip from it. Some (most) can be easily implemented right away and definitely can change a lot of how I am seeing some things - truly worth checking!
  • Wedding confessions - this one was hilarious and creepy in some part - definitely you must check it out! I oblige you:)
  • Vitamin cures for fantastic skin - I saved this one actually for home diys. The advises in the article are so easy to be done and at hand for everyone so take a look, something will be helpful for sure!

Happy weekend friends! May the relaxation gods be in your favor!

Friday, May 30, 2014

Decor Experiments - Dining Rooms

I am a firm believer that the action of eating has a huge role and impact in our general well being. Eating in a very crowded and noisy place automatically entices you to eat faster and rush out. Talking in the same time while you are eating is totally shifting your attention and you forget what you are doing. All these habits can be very harmful for our body. Our digestion will be harder, bloating appears, we don't chew all our food, we feel sleepy after we eat, we gain weight etc. I won't even touch the other problems that we can give to our stomach and the extra work it has to put to digest all the food.

This is why I like very much, and prefer anytime, to eat in the comfort and peace of my own home. I like to create a very warm place that gives me calm, where I can focus on my food in an enjoyable manner. A nicely furnished dining room can contribute more than you can imagine to changing a bad habit into a good one. So, surround yourself in the dining room with all those things that inspire serenity and happiness like white colored accessories, green plants, wooden details. Statistically they are proven to comfort our brain a lot and ease down the push of adrenaline which causes us to rush all the time. 

Also, besides the exterior, focus a lot on your interior rhythm. Try to calm down your thoughts and focus on the activity at hand. Don't consider the eating part to be wasted time and don't start reading or doing anything in the same time. Try to do it as singular activity. Little by little, you will get to enjoy these peaceful moments with yourself. Your stomach will thank you and you will get the habit of not rushing yourself into any action, but rather focus on each activity at time.

OK, lecture is done:). Now I am rewarding you for reading this far with some nice inspiration for very serene dining rooms! Enjoy!







(source Pinterest)

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Fashion Experiments - Summer Dressing

Ah, summer is finally here and with it come the many many choices of summer dressing (talk about world problems..). I love dressing for warm weather as I see endless possibilities of expressing my daily mood and still not get in any creative root.

My personal way of dressing (style would be an overestimation) has definitely evolved over the years and I no longer seem to be attracted by the same looks as before. Luckily enough I still like most of my clothes but combine them in totally different way than before.

From where I used to dress more feminine and classic, now I strongly navigate towards comfort, easy dressing with a twist. I like simple tops with blue washed jeans and sandals, shirts with pants/jeans and sneakers, stripes with everything, and so on. I find that the simpler an outfit is, the sexier it seems to me. Simple colors, neutral ones, simple cuts, the classic jeans, panama hat and maybe a sexy shoe and a red lip is all I need to feel at my most beautiful and confident self.

All this being said, without any other comments form my side, I leave you with the images I have pinned on my board for summer dressing inspiration. I am mostly to shamelessly copy all the below, I have no standards whatsoever when it comes to a pretty outfit I spot:).

Enjoy and get inspired for the summer breezy days!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Experiments Talk - Girl Time

I came to enjoy and cherish very  much the girl time I indulge in from time to time. Impossibly easy we get lost in the many work tasks we have, the free time we spend at home doing chores, taking care of babies (for those who have) and nourishing a relationship, that we tend to put the girl time on the last position in the priority list.

When we do manage to get out with the girlfriends a great feeling surrounds us of sharing those things only another woman can understand. 

I have quite few moments of girl time spent with few dear ladies in my life, but separately. They are all different from each other and I am so lucky as I get unique points of view and perspectives on almost all my thoughts, issues. It goes both ways, I love to be there for them and give my opinions every time I am asked. 

I confess I am more of a friend that enjoys company but not the pressure of watering the friendship. I like to accompany myself with woman that, even if we don't see each other every month, know that I am there and I have the mutual feeling. I tend to get out very quickly from those friendships that are very high maintenance. So I am left with very few girlfriends, but I would never want anything else, and would never change anything on either of them.

We talk nails, beauty, fashion, babies, relationships, men, sex, in-laws, books - I think there is no subject in the world that we are not open and don't talk about. A warm friendship gives you that calm and intimate feeling of sharing and being comfortable while doing so. No judgement goes inside a true friendship.

To get a bit more on the technical side "female friendship wasn't just good for the soul: It's good for your health. Researchers, who studied elderly women over a period of 10 years, concluded the presence of "good friends" in a woman's life increased life expectancy. " Generally good girlfriends halp you stay more true to yourself and not lose so much focus on things that, at some points, you think are huge in your life. 

A meeting with my girls gets me very refreshed and happy.

So I advise you, no matter how busy you can get with everything going on in your life, there is no better therapy that a coffee date/ night spent with your best girlfriends. Make that time, at least in a while, and meet them up.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Mondays - It's all about being in the right mindset

Yep, this quote goes for everything, even for the dreaded Monday mornings when we get back to work after a blissful weekend - too short, too soon and all those mixed emotions.

Over the past few years, I have learned to integrate my work as general part of my life and don't see things separated anymore. I mean that my life is a whole, and not work life and after-work life. So it becomes easier and funnier to go Mondays to work as it's part of my general life experience and not a separated thing. A different mindset that has changed many mixed feelings I had. 

However, there are few things that I really like doing every morning, not only Monday. I managed to integrate few habits I love in morning routine that set me off to work in a great mood:

  • early work out. I usually start with a quick stretching, go for a run 30 min, shower, have a big glass with lemon water. I feel amazing after this. I then take my time for dressing and make-up. It's a great start for any day.
  • drink a very good coffee. I usually prepare my coffee at home and when I get in the office I go out with my girls on a coffee break before all the work starts and the morning rolls over on us. 

These 2 habits are very dear to me and they help me get and stay in a great and positive mindset. I am sure that in the end " What we see depends mainly on what we look for".

Cheers to a good Monday friends! 

Sunday, May 25, 2014

3 things you can do this Sunday for yourself

  • Cook something new or something you really love! Cooking is said to be one very creative yet very calming activity. It helps you focus on one thing, work towards your goal and in the same time keeps you calm, relaxed and creative regarding your dish. It's like a stress release therapy.
I am not much of a cook myself but I do like to see others cooking and also I would like to learn someday to be better at this. In the mean time I like trying my hand at simple new dishes or stick to those that I really love and am good at.

So I advise you this weekend to take some time and enjoy this very creative means of being calm and yet focused. Your dish might turn out great:)

  • Get a fresh manicure/pedicure - this is exactly what I plan to do today! I like going to get a mani with my friend, it's a really fun and relaxing girl time but I also like to do it in the comfort of my house. It relaxes me soo much, and I really love the look of a fresh mani - so for me this is a very loved me-habit that I try to keep as often as I can! 

All images from Pinterest

  • Last for not least, finish your weekend with some easy exercising. Be that you will go for a walk in the park, biking maybe as the weather is great, swimming, running or doing yoga at home - I really recommend finishing the weekend with some workout. It will make you feel toned, refreshed and will help reduce the negative thoughts about the new week. It is a great stress releaser and sets a good mood for what's to come. For me, I will go running sometime until lunch and finish the day with a bike ride in the woods. Best way to clear my mind!

What plans do you have for today friends?

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Weekend reading

Just sharing some articles I found and read this week, with some very interesting points.

  • changing some bad habits or some old, unhealthy routine is very very hard and we need loads of motivation to do so. I liked this article as it is showing the things in a realistic and simplistic way.

  • Home made natural deodorant recipe - I am sharing this one because lately I have been searching lots of natural alternatives to almost everything I own in my house. I was pleasantly surprised to see how easy it is to make some of the things at home. I already tried my hand on natural fragrance difusers and I love them. I do have to waggle the bottles from time to time, but I like it much better this way. And now I am thinking about trying to make natural deodorant.

We are experiencing great weather this weekend so I am seeing my time filled with some exercising, reading a lot in my yard and just relaxing on the grass. Bliss!

What are your plans? Happy weekend friends!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Fashion Experiments - Dress like the French do

I think it is safe to say that we all envy at some point the way French women dress - simple, casual yet very chic and effortless. They adore the comfort and the single thing that most French women have in common is attitude. No matter how simplistic they dress, everything they put on gets an instant chic update because of their own way of being - very independent and full of trust in themselves. 

I have rounded up my favorite tricks and items for getting that chic french vibe. Add to that your most secure and self conscious attitude and you're good to go.

  • ballet flats and white shirt - they give an instant casual yet very seductive feel to any look. Add a daring red lip and cat eye sunglasses. 
  • sneakers and blazer - a great combo that is truly specific for french women. It's unexpected and yet very stylish. Rosy cheeks, nude or light pink lips, brown shades - they should be your perfect accessories for this look.

  • and of course the symbolic item of French dressing - the bretton top, especially matched with either ankle length black pants and birks or with baggy jeans and heels - true Parisian match. Add red or pale lipstick to complete the look, shades and a cool bag and you're done.

French women, while dressing very easy and simple, they gravitate a lot towards those statement pieces that make any outfit pop. You will regularity find a Parisian wither wearing the latest designer bag, the coolest shoes in town - all paired with red lips and perfect manicure. The true epitome of chic dressing.

Below some really french-like outfits, and at the bottom of the post some french fashion bloggers worth following. Enjoy and get inspired!


All images from Pinterest/

And some nice french bloggers to check out:

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Experiments talk - Why do we feel bad when asking friends for help?

Image from Pinterest

"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art.... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival" C. S. Lewis

In the last few days I got thinking about the fact that as we age we tend to create some walls around ourselves that tend to grow bigger and stronger with every year. As much as we take pride in being open and honest with our closest friends, it seems so hard in the same time to ask them for help.

I have a friend that needs a bit of support in this period of time and I always feel that she is not very comfortable in asking for it. Don't image that I am doing anything extraordinary, for me it's is actually nothing, but for her it looks like some effort is being put out.

As we age, as we build our fences high, we find it harder to ask and even sometimes accept help from our friends, even if we need it - we feel guilty about it. I wonder why? I can't help but think that times used to be easier before, relations were closer, hearts were more open. 

I am speaking for myself here as well, sometimes I have a hard time in asking for help. Why do me/you find it difficult to open up and be ourselves more? We might risk getting hurt? I honestly think we risk getting hurt in every situation. We might actually feel freer and better with ourselves if we open up, if we let ourselves share our thoughts, our love with our friends and even ask for their help with feeling joy and not pressure. 

Are we changing that much and protecting ourselves more and more? Are we afraid of the exterior world so much? I will leave this as an open question for all of us, myself included. I think the answers will vary in time, and each year we will find ourselves in different position.
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Monday, May 19, 2014

Beauty talk - Taking care of acne skin

Image from Pinterest

Lately I have been experiencing really hard skin breakouts. I admit to have given up to certain things that may have held my hormones at peace, but now my whole body is generally better and clean. However, now everything shows up on my face since there is nothing to pose a barrier anymore. 

I have researched for several months high and low, tried both natural, processed, dermatological products that I read about, but somehow nothing really helped. 

One evening I read an article on how oily/combination skin usually gets the wrong treatment - and this got me curious. It seems, and I confirm for being guilty of, that we tend to treat the acne skin like a war zone. We use all abrasive products, mattifying products and we end of with oily skin on the inside and matte on the outside - and this is not at all solving the problem. The more we use products that dry the skin from outside, the more our body believes that there is not enough sebum produced to protect it - so it goes on and produce some more - and there you have it - the never ending circle of sebum production and no quick fix at hand.

The doctor in the article recommended very very simple care routine: deep cleansing every night and every morning using a gentle cleanser, extra purifying the skin with gel cleanser and a sponge/brush and toner. After this, in the evening apply a very rich nourishing cream (for dry skin preferably - so that no extra sebum is produced since the moisturization is deep) and in the morning a rich cream with high SPF for great protection. And that's all! No extra gel, no eye cream, no abrasives, nothing. 

I was intrigued! 

So I gave it a try, thinking what can happen? I was anyways trying a lot of stuff then, so I went to the pharmacy, bought home the needed creams and 1 month later I finally felt my skin relaxed. Not all the spots have disappeared and I still get few blemishes but more than anything, I love the relaxed feeling my face has. It looks calm and even nourished. I will continue like this, as it seems the best routine for me yet.

I am not saying this can go for everyone with acne problems, but might be a starting point as it was for me. Who knows?

Sunday, May 18, 2014

3 things you can do this Sunday for yourself

I am a creature of habit and comfort. I have no problem in having an extremely busy Saturday filled with lunches, meetings, parents - you name it - but, when it comes to Sunday, I tend to get quite strict in making any plans. I prefer to keep Sundays for myself and do some of the things that I love, even if they are few - they are rewarding and it makes me finish the weekend in a great mood and start Monday energized and positive.

Here are some of the things that I really love doing on a regular Sunday:

  • I like to step out of my normal eating mode and try something new or revert to something I know but really really love. It definitely must be something I am not eating every day - so it usually feels like a true indulgence

  • When the temperatures are warm I love to go for a walk in the nature. I usually do a bike ride in the forest near my house, in a very slow pace so I can enjoy the very clean air and the peaceful yet thrilling sounds the forest makes. I immediate feel refreshed and see things more in perspective. These forest walks have become my go-to for mind detox. 

  • And finally, I like to end up the day in a very calm and intimate atmosphere. I usually make a cup of my favorite tea and curl in bed. Depending on my mood I either read a book, watch a movie or just use the time to sit with my husband and have very long talks. I cherish a lot these moments, they became very dear to me. 

Any plans for today?


Saturday, May 17, 2014

Weekend reading

Image via Pinterest

This week was all sorts of busy at work and at home. I handled and finished some big tasks at work, I finally tackled some changes at home, I got a bit productive here, I even managed to indulge in some things for myself - get some quiet moments for reading, relaxing and maybe just being. All in all a great week in my book!

Weekend has now started and I saw no better way to step my foot in it than with a cup of coffee and some nice writing and updating. So below are my top 5 link picks for this weekend:

  • 4 Exercises for your best butt and body - since Spring is in full swing and summer is just around the corner I get quite enthusiastic and energetic about doing workouts in different forms. I now have a routine which I absolutely love: I work out fixed trainings 2 times/week; I run 3 times/week and 1 other time (or more, depending on my time) I work a bit at home. And for this I like to follow the exercises in the above article - it helps me get toned and lean in the areas I need the most.
  • How to read body language - I liked this article because it's funny and it actually made me be more aware of my own body language. So I will probably watch others like a hawk in a hard attempt to understand what they think:) 
  • Great inspiration for outdoor spaces - As I am also trying to make my backyard more comfortable for outdoor activities, I find myself in a constant state of research of images/inspiration that can fit my taste, my space and my budget. I liked a lot this article especially because i thought is was funny to see how different Nordic people decor their spaces compared to Spanish/Mediterranean people. 
  • Cannes - what celebrities wore - I think this one speaks for itself - so if you are curious, just browse around to see what the celebs wore for this year's festival.
  • Summer Fashion Staples - since we are just few weeks away from official start of summer, I am sure most of you already have lists or virtual carts around the web with must haves of the season. I am sharing this article as the items proposed are just up my alley - chic, comfortable but still different and very fresh. My favorites are 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8. I have even already added these items to my wishlist.

Enjoy the reading and your weekend friends!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Deco experiments 3 - Bedrooms

Lately I have been drawn to neutral shades - be that in my clothes or in my house. 

Generally this color palette gives the subtle feeling of peace, calm and makes you feel rested and relaxed the moment you step in the room. I fantasize quite often being in such a room, absorbing the tranquility with a book in my hand and a view across the bed - reading few pages here and there, watching the sun set or even waking up early to see the sun rise.

My current bedroom is also built on warm shades of yellow and white but I get an itch of adding some wooden elements to it for a more earthly feeling of rooting. Above are some quite inspiring ideas that I might just put in practice one day.

Enjoy and get inspired!  

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